Friday, May 15, 2009
Mind Opening Books

Friday, February 20, 2009
On Balloonists and Politicians

Friday, February 6, 2009
More intrusion of religion into state, via 'Obama'
Unfortunately, "Obama," who has been a disappointment to millions of his supporters, has decided to prostitute himself by creating a White House office of "faith-based initiatives," declaring that "there is a force for good greater than government." To head the office, "Obama" has appointed a Pentecostal minister, Joshua DuBois, who put together the part of the presidential election campaign designed to obtain Christian votes for "Obama." Does anyone doubt, then, that "faith-based initiatives" will be based on one kind of "faith"? And, as Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, and others have asked: faith in what? The answer, of course, is faith in what was written by ancient fiction writers who produced the scriptures comprising the Judaeo-Christian bible: "God" (Yahweh, the ancient Hebrews' version of the male deity who creates everything), created the universe and the earth and its creatures in six days; that "God" looks like a man ("God created man in his own image"); "God" himself or "God" as the son of God, or the two combined, put himself in the body of a virgin by inseminating that virgin through the Holy Ghost, remained in vitro for nine months and then waited inferentially until at least his teen years to begin saving humanity from "original sin," and then to accomplish that task had himself executed on a cross.
Are you one of the rare individuals who has actually read that "bible" in any of its thousands of versions (meaning it cannot be construed as a bible, since a bible by definition is the fixed, unchangeable "word of God")? If you are - and if you are a sane, rational, intelligent human being - you must know that if those scriptures were offered for publication today as wholly new writings produced by 21st-Century scribes, they would be dismissed as the ravings of lunatics in a mental institution. Their use today as constituting the book upon which the president and other government leaders swear their oaths of office is the beginning in each instance of the corruption, ignorance, hypocrisy, and bigotry that keep the American people and other peoples locked into the present form of a Cultural Dark Age. That there is undermining of the principle of separation of church from state in the swearing on the bible, and use of "Christian faith" as the source for government initiatives, I hardly need say. Anyone who is not aware of that fact is an individual who has no awareness of reality.
The question I would raise is this: How can any of us put our trust in political leaders and jurists who are ignorant enough to believe in, who are crazy enough to believe in, or who are fraudulent enough to say they believe in, the lunatic ravings which constitute the scriptures of the Judaeo-Christian bible?

Thursday, February 5, 2009
'Obama' - not black, not African-American
To begin with, the MMM has yet to verify "Barack Obama" as the true name or birth name of the 44th president of the U.S. His Kenyan father abandoned him when he was a bit more than two years old. His mother, a white woman whose last name was Dunham, raised him and called him "Barry," as did all of his friends and classmates in the predominantly white prep school where he was educated. For all we know, the man called "Barack Obama" may be "Barry Dunham."His birth certificate has not been publicly released. What box he checked on the modern U.S. Census form, offering "mixed" as the answer for "race," has not been revealed.
More important than the dubious name for him is the identification of "Barack Obama" as a "black" man who will be "the first black American president." What nonsense. "Black" is the name of a color. It does not and cannot designate a "race" of people, since there is not and never has been any such characteristic of humanity as "race." The concept of "race" was invented by a bunch of 17th-18th Century crackpot German philosophers, and humanity has been stupid and crazy enough to buy into it and the ongoing disastrous results from it. Besides, most individuals identified as "blacks" are various shades of brown or tan or, as I have it in my definition in Lucifer's Dictionary of the American Language, just dark enough to avoid being white. And as for Obama/Dunham, his color is medium brown.
Nor is Obama/Dunham an African-American. That description is used by the MMM as a racial term; but it is not and cannot be so. It is by definition a geographical or dual citizenship term, and a ridiculous one at that. In order to be an African-American, you would have to be born in an African nation or a part of the U.S. and hold dual citizenship in the African country and the U.S. If you can find such a person, he or she may just as well be white as black or brown, since a white person may just as well have been born in an African country and may just as well hold the necessary dual citizenship for African-American characterization as a black or brown person.
You do not see the MMM referring to dark skinned persons in the U.S. descended from English parents as "English-Americans" as though that is a racial term. Indeed, you do not see the term "English-American" used at all. And when such terms as "French-American" and "Italian-American" are used by the MMM, they are not used as racial terms. Why, then, should the term "African-American" be used as a racial term?
If the majority position of modern anthropologists is correct, that position being that there is no such thing as "race" and all of us are descended from "a black woman in Africa" (referred to as "Eve"), we are all African-Americans, and the first African-American president of the U.S. was, yes, George Washington.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009
The Nazis then, the Islamists now
A man, whose family was German aristocracy prior to World War II, owned a number of large industries and estates. When asked how many German people were true Nazis, the answer he gave can guide our attitude toward fanaticism. "Very few people were true Nazis," he said, "but many enjoyed the return of German pride, and many more were too busy to care. I was one of those who just thought the Nazis were a bunch of fools. So, the majority just sat back and let it all happen. Then, before we knew it, they owned us, and we had lost control, and the end of the world had come. My family lost everything. I ended up in a concentration camp and the Allies destroyed my factories."

Tuesday, February 3, 2009
The global threat from Islam

Monday, February 2, 2009
My challenges to 'Barack Obama'
*Provide publicly a certified copy showing the name under which you were registered at the Punahou prep school in Honolulu.
*In a public statement, reveal which box you marked on the U.S. Census form designated for "race" - black, white, or mixed.
*Hold a press conference in which you explain the reasons why you should be identified as a "black" or as an "African-American" and in which you define those terms.
*Hold another press conference in which you outline your programs to deal with the nation's and the world's major problems, especially overpopulation, the massive inequality of wealth, the violence generated by belief in Islamic religion, the demand of self-professed "Christians" that their values be injected into affairs of state, the loss of American- born persons' jobs to immigrants (legal immigrants or illegal aliens) pouring into the U.S. and employment pouring out of the U.S. to countries where a modern form of slave labor is used, the increasing use of money to make money off the money itself rather than on any production of goods and services, and the growing world lack of control over money owing to more and more use of credit and interest.

Sunday, February 1, 2009
History lessons from a Mexican immigrant's child
One of the pupils said, just loud enough to be heard by the teacher: "Screw the Mexicans!" "Who said that?" the teacher demanded to know. Pedro waved his hand and responded: "Sam Houston, 1836." Another pupil said, "I'm gonna puke." The teacher glared at the class. "All right! Now, who said that?" Pedro shouted: "George Herbert Walker Bush to the Japanese Prime Minister, 1991!" Another pupil yelled: "Oh, yeah? Suck on this!" Pedro jumped out of his chair, waving his hand and shouting at the teacher: "Bill Clinton to Monica Lewinsky, 1997! Now beside herself, the teacher screamed: "You Judas! If you say anything more to create a scandal, I'll kill you!" Waving his hand frantically, Pedro yelled: "Ted Kennedy to Mary Jo Kopechne en route to the bridge at Chappaquiddick, 1969!' The teacher fainted, and as the class gathered around her body on the floor, someone exclaimed: "Oh oh, we're in BIG trouble now!" Pedro shouted louder than ever: "George W. Bush, 2006!"

Saturday, January 31, 2009
Immortal Beethoven

Identifying the noises as music, and just as perplexed as the caretaker, the authorities sent an emissary to the nearby university with a request for a musicologist to come help solve the mystery. Upon arriving on the scene and listening to the musical sounds emanating from the tomb, the musicologist merely smiled and asked: “Can it be that you gentlemen do not perceive what you are hearing?” They answered in the negative. You are hearing one long note followed by three short ones - daaahhh, dot-dot-dot,” the musicologist continued. “Correct?” They agreed that this is what they were hearing. “And what is the theme from Beethoven’s most famous symphony, the Fifth?” the musicologist asked, following immediately with the answer to his own question: “Three short notes followed by a long one. Dot-dot-dot daaahhh. But now you are hearing the reverse. Daaahhh, dot-dot-dot. Well, then, gentlemen, it should be obvious to you: What you are hearing is Beethoven decomposing!”

Friday, January 30, 2009
Origin of 'gay' for homosexual

Thursday, January 29, 2009
How to compete with the slave labor countries

Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Tumors await cell phone users

Saturday, January 24, 2009
Why parents worry about internet chats

Hi! You sound kinda cute. How old are you and what do you do after school?

Heavenly short change
Grandma and the grandson she doted on were walking on the water's edge at the beach when, without warning, a huge wave rolled in and, on receding, carried the child into the sea. Horrified, but unable even to see her grandson much less rescue him, the old woman decided there was nothing left to do but pray. Falling to her knees, Grandma raised her eyes and arms to the heavens and pleaded: "Oh, Lord, please cause the sea to carry my grandson back to the shore and to me, alive and unharmed." As though by divine intervention, that is what happened. Another wave propelled the child to his grandmother's feet, and though he was stunned, he was unharmed. Nevertheless, after examining her grandson, the old woman became angry and began berating the deity. "Thank you for bringing my grandson back to me!" she shouted. "But damn it, Lord, when we came here he was wearing a hat!"

Friday, December 26, 2008
The Pope is the problem
Here is what is wrong with all of that. If you want world peace, if you want to solve the global financial crisis, you have to initiate drastic measures to curb overpopulation, change the worldwide inequality in wealth, and make money represent the human, natural, and technological resources available. As is, overpopulation is demolishing all other efforts to end humanity's destruction of the world environment - for, in keeping with the onetime slogan of Planned Parenthood, "without population control all other causes are lost." As is, the rich keep getting richer while the poor keep getting poorer, and that is one of the major causes of crime, violence, and warfare - for, as Plato wisely said, poverty is the mother of crime. And, as is, money no longer truly represents anything. It is a thing in itself that is used to make money off the money itself. There lies the fundamental reason for the global financial crisis. The crisis will not be resolved, but only will become worse, until money is made to represent the human, natural, and technological resources available. Aristotle told us centuries ago that the most unnatural, unproductive, destructive invention of humanity is credit, or interest. The world is learning now that humanity cannot exist on paper or plastic. Money has become humanity's albatross. Instead of asking what can be accomplished through human, natural, and technological resources available, the question is always: How much money is available to do the job? Thus, money becomes the controlling element. IT controls what is to be done. That is the insanity which prevails. And yet anybody who dares talk about it at its roots is viewed as some sort of crackpot. But it is making money the arbiter for what can be done, it is making money off money, which is the real craziness, the cancer that is eroding us collectively. Until the problem is addressed at its roots, no amount of paper and plastic tossed into the mix - now in the many trillions, figures nobody can even understand - will resolve the problems. Edward Bellamy told us, in Looking Backward and other writings, that money has to be scrapped and an entirely new means of conducting human activity has to be invented, in order to bring an end once and for all to the cycles of prosperity and recession or depression. The tenets of the bible that the Pope pretends to follow include the oft-misquoted dictum "the love of money is the root of all evils" (1 Timothy 6:10). It remains for the media and political leaders to begin addressing humanity's problems in such terms instead of via the surface, so-called "solutions" being offered: "solutions" that are destined to resolve nothing.

Sunday, December 21, 2008
Headlines from the year 2029
Mexifornia, formally known as California, becomes state's official name.
White minorities strive to have English recognized as Mexifornia's official second language.
Baby conceived naturally, stumping scientists.
Iran has six thermonuclear bombs - UN and U.S. continue to impose sanctions.
Castro finally dies at age 112 - Cuban cigars can now be imported legally.
George Z. Bush says he will run for President in 2036.
Postal Service raises price of first class stamp to $17.89, reduces mail delivery to Wednesdays only.
Average weight of Americans drops to 250 lbs.
Japanese create camera with shutter speed so fast it catches politicians, lawyers with mouth shut.
Average height of NBA players now nine feet, seven inches.
Florida voters still having trouble with voting machines.

Friday, December 12, 2008
Time for a new Works Project Administration

Saturday, December 6, 2008
'Buy more cars' is the wrong answer

Monday, December 1, 2008
The unemployment figures are bogus

Sunday, November 30, 2008
Nationalize the banks

Friday, November 7, 2008
Wealthy investors will gain from the 'crisis'
If you are thinking to yourself that it is not a chance that the wealthy take, but rather a situation which they generated for the purpose of being able to buy cheap stock, know that your thinking is shared by many individuals on the basis of past history. I reached the same conclusion as to past financial downturns, but not as to this one. In any event, it makes no difference whether or not the present "crisis" was deliberately generated. The end result will be the same: the rich will get richer, and the less than rich will become still less rich. That is the dance.