Hammond reports that once the Muslim population of a country is between 2 and 5 percent of that country, the Muslims become effective at proselytizing for Islam, recruiting especially from "disaffected groups" and "street gangs." That is now happening, among other countries, in the United Kingdom, Germany, and Spain. Beyond 5 percent, they begin pushing for observation nationwide of their religious observances. That is now happening, among other countries, in France, Sweden, and The Netherlands. When Muslims reach 10 percent of the population, they begin adding violent acts to their strategies. That is now happening, among other countries, in India, Israel, and Russia.
Once Muslims become more than 20 percent of a country's population, they reproduce in greater numbers than other classes of people and engage in jihad (holy war) in pursuit of their purpose to force their religious views on everyone. They riot, set off bombs, burn churches and synagogues, boycott businesses construed as violating Muslim rules for "clean living," force women to cover themselve and be obedient to men, and replace national law in their communities with Sharia Law, all in pursuit of their ultimate goal: to establish a worldwide Islamic theological state. One of my readers complains that this description from Hammond is not applicable to all Muslims, that many are peaceful and just want to be free to practice their religion for their own purposes. No doubt that is true. The trouble is that genocidal imams, using as their source the parts of the Koran (Quran) advocating attacks on "infidels" in the quest for a world order based on their interpretation of the Islamic bible, are indoctrinating millions of youths in the requirement for jihad. They become the activists who dominate the course pursued by Muslims, while the pacifists are relegated to irrelevance.
Everyone should read Hammond's book and think about what may happen if the genocidal maniacs dominating activist Islam are able to produce nuclear, biological, or chemical weapons with the capacity of decimating whole populations that they will hold hostage or even destroy if their demands are not met. Remember, annihilation does not worry them. They believe Allah will reward them with life in a paradise for ridding the world of infidels. In this way, not only are they the Nazis of the current era, but also they are even more dangerous than the Nazis ever were. In my view, it is woefully inadequate to restrict an attack on Islamists to the activists, including those called "terrorists," who seek global domination in accordance with their view of the religion of Islam. It is the religion itself which forms the base for the growing numbers of Islamists pursuing global domination via genocidal tactics. Consequently, I believe that it is the religion of Islam itself that must be attacked and even destroyed, because if it is not, the religion as now practiced by tens of millions of Muslims will destroy the rest of humanity.

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