*Provide publicly a certified copy showing the name under which you were registered at the Punahou prep school in Honolulu.
*In a public statement, reveal which box you marked on the U.S. Census form designated for "race" - black, white, or mixed.
*Hold a press conference in which you explain the reasons why you should be identified as a "black" or as an "African-American" and in which you define those terms.
*Hold another press conference in which you outline your programs to deal with the nation's and the world's major problems, especially overpopulation, the massive inequality of wealth, the violence generated by belief in Islamic religion, the demand of self-professed "Christians" that their values be injected into affairs of state, the loss of American- born persons' jobs to immigrants (legal immigrants or illegal aliens) pouring into the U.S. and employment pouring out of the U.S. to countries where a modern form of slave labor is used, the increasing use of money to make money off the money itself rather than on any production of goods and services, and the growing world lack of control over money owing to more and more use of credit and interest.

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