Unfortunately, "Obama," who has been a disappointment to millions of his supporters, has decided to prostitute himself by creating a White House office of "faith-based initiatives," declaring that "there is a force for good greater than government." To head the office, "Obama" has appointed a Pentecostal minister, Joshua DuBois, who put together the part of the presidential election campaign designed to obtain Christian votes for "Obama." Does anyone doubt, then, that "faith-based initiatives" will be based on one kind of "faith"? And, as Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, and others have asked: faith in what? The answer, of course, is faith in what was written by ancient fiction writers who produced the scriptures comprising the Judaeo-Christian bible: "God" (Yahweh, the ancient Hebrews' version of the male deity who creates everything), created the universe and the earth and its creatures in six days; that "God" looks like a man ("God created man in his own image"); "God" himself or "God" as the son of God, or the two combined, put himself in the body of a virgin by inseminating that virgin through the Holy Ghost, remained in vitro for nine months and then waited inferentially until at least his teen years to begin saving humanity from "original sin," and then to accomplish that task had himself executed on a cross.
Are you one of the rare individuals who has actually read that "bible" in any of its thousands of versions (meaning it cannot be construed as a bible, since a bible by definition is the fixed, unchangeable "word of God")? If you are - and if you are a sane, rational, intelligent human being - you must know that if those scriptures were offered for publication today as wholly new writings produced by 21st-Century scribes, they would be dismissed as the ravings of lunatics in a mental institution. Their use today as constituting the book upon which the president and other government leaders swear their oaths of office is the beginning in each instance of the corruption, ignorance, hypocrisy, and bigotry that keep the American people and other peoples locked into the present form of a Cultural Dark Age. That there is undermining of the principle of separation of church from state in the swearing on the bible, and use of "Christian faith" as the source for government initiatives, I hardly need say. Anyone who is not aware of that fact is an individual who has no awareness of reality.
The question I would raise is this: How can any of us put our trust in political leaders and jurists who are ignorant enough to believe in, who are crazy enough to believe in, or who are fraudulent enough to say they believe in, the lunatic ravings which constitute the scriptures of the Judaeo-Christian bible?

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