E-books presently available are The Case Against 'Jesus' (proving that no such character as "Jesus Christ" - Joshua the messiah when propertly translated - ever existed, the New Testament is entirely fiction, and Christian religion in all of its forms is a fraud on duped humanity); No Lawyer Necessary (the definitive book on how to convey power of attorney to a spouse, relative, friend, or colleague to handle your medical and financial affairs when you cannot do so, thus making it unnecessary to hire a lawyer); The Black Pope (the only authentic biography of Anton Szandor LaVey, the man who dared to be the Devil's representative on earth and to mock Christianity with his Church of Satan); Lucifer's Dictionary of the American Language (the only dictionary that provides definitions by spelling words as Americans pronounce them and explaining what Americans mean by them, thus producing a language that is not the same as English); and Alice's Second Trip to Wonderland (Lewis Carroll's Alice is now 19 years old, and this time her trip is to a very different place where she meets fascinating characters with whom she exchanges life and death philosophy - but, in the Carrollian tradition, that is mixed with nonsense and humor - fascinatinly illustrated, including a rarely seen photo of Charles Lutwidge Dodgson/aka Lewis Carroll with his inspiration, little Alice Liddell).