Here is what is wrong with all of that. If you want world peace, if you want to solve the global financial crisis, you have to initiate drastic measures to curb overpopulation, change the worldwide inequality in wealth, and make money represent the human, natural, and technological resources available. As is, overpopulation is demolishing all other efforts to end humanity's destruction of the world environment - for, in keeping with the onetime slogan of Planned Parenthood, "without population control all other causes are lost." As is, the rich keep getting richer while the poor keep getting poorer, and that is one of the major causes of crime, violence, and warfare - for, as Plato wisely said, poverty is the mother of crime. And, as is, money no longer truly represents anything. It is a thing in itself that is used to make money off the money itself. There lies the fundamental reason for the global financial crisis. The crisis will not be resolved, but only will become worse, until money is made to represent the human, natural, and technological resources available. Aristotle told us centuries ago that the most unnatural, unproductive, destructive invention of humanity is credit, or interest. The world is learning now that humanity cannot exist on paper or plastic. Money has become humanity's albatross. Instead of asking what can be accomplished through human, natural, and technological resources available, the question is always: How much money is available to do the job? Thus, money becomes the controlling element. IT controls what is to be done. That is the insanity which prevails. And yet anybody who dares talk about it at its roots is viewed as some sort of crackpot. But it is making money the arbiter for what can be done, it is making money off money, which is the real craziness, the cancer that is eroding us collectively. Until the problem is addressed at its roots, no amount of paper and plastic tossed into the mix - now in the many trillions, figures nobody can even understand - will resolve the problems. Edward Bellamy told us, in Looking Backward and other writings, that money has to be scrapped and an entirely new means of conducting human activity has to be invented, in order to bring an end once and for all to the cycles of prosperity and recession or depression. The tenets of the bible that the Pope pretends to follow include the oft-misquoted dictum "the love of money is the root of all evils" (1 Timothy 6:10). It remains for the media and political leaders to begin addressing humanity's problems in such terms instead of via the surface, so-called "solutions" being offered: "solutions" that are destined to resolve nothing.